Friday, 15 June 2012

A weakness for hills

There's just 6 weeks to go until the Lakeland 100 and I feel that I've successfully built a solid base of fitness and endurance, so I've been trying to focus on my areas of weakness over the last few weeks - uphills and speed!

It's been 3 weeks since I last ran over 25 miles, and I feel like I've been slacking, but I'm hoping that the faster running sessions and hill work I've been doing will stand me in good stead. Next Saturday will be a good test when I do the UTSW 60 mile coastal trail run.

Today, I chose to brave the weather warnings of giant hail and gale force winds and went up to Storey Arms for some hill repeats. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The weather was wild, but I managed 2 repeats of the trail below very comfortably - up one hill, down the other side, then back up and down to return to my start point.

Only 14 miles, but 5100 feet of ascent.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work. Wish we had those sort of climbs in these parts.
